Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nokia sells 260,000 smartphones per day

For all Nokia has been shit lately is about the delay, do not innovate or exit of products that are not really compare with the competition, you can be forgiven in the hope that they may be dying.

So, you probably be surprised to learn that Nokia smartphones move more than Big Two. How do you ask? Try about 260,000 per day. To put this into perspective, recent news, Apple ship somewhere around 80,000 iPhones per day, and Android enabled 200,000 units per day. So how does Nokia define smartphone?

You can probably safely assume that this excludes the Series 40, which means that any device running S60 5th edition. True, Nokia continues to Outsell their closest competitors by a wide margin. Consider also that, even if Android phones are made from different manufacturers, Nokia still manages Outsell.

The new Kindle 3 iPad

Amazon has thrown down the gauntlet in a television advertisement that leads directly to the shortcomings of the Apple IPAD. The ad, which aired earlier today on Good Morning America, promotes three new Kindle and its new price point of $ 139. It also compares directly to what is clearly intended to be an IPAD.

The two main points about Amazon IPAD, it is impossible to read in sunlight and costs much more than the new Kindle. The Kindle may miss three colors, a big market for applications and screen real estate s IPAD, but enjoys a better reactivity, a day e-ink screen, months worth of battery life and a more affordable price point.

Clearly, Amazon believes the price of your product will help convince consumers to choose their device over IPAD incredibly popular. 3 The Kindle is doing quite well for himself, if he has the distinction of being the fastest selling in history Kindle.

Human Pac-Man on the web

His thirtieth birthday receives wide media coverage, and its next game to get a lot of buzz is already a great year for Pac-Man. But thanks to a new viral video is a tribute to the icon of the yellow, it has become even greater.

We are talking about human Pac-Man, stop-motion clip of Pac-Man with humans instead of pixels. And the latest project by renowned video game master Guillaume Reymond, who previously delivered an extraordinary man / pixel versions of Space Invaders, Tetris, Pong and Pole Position.

iPhone App turns shopers into social experience

According to ABI Research, the Purchaser will use more than 119 billion U.S. dollars of mobile phones by 2015. MyShopanion iPhone App is launched at DEMO to capitalize on these market opportunities and to help bridge the gap between online and real world shops.

MyShopanion app [iTunes link] is the best friend of consumers and partners as app for shopping, as its name. App Users can search products barcode scanner - app combines RedLaser popular scanning technology - or the name, and users can use their social network friends to help them make more educated purchasing decisions.

myShopanion based on the number of third party information providers to return detailed information about each product, including product information, dealer prices and consumer reviews.

We know that success REDLASES (the application has been downloaded over two million times) myShopanion that has the potential to resonate with customers looking for a bargain. The claim application to fame is its ability to connect the dots between the prices and social media.

Currently, users can use the application app to share via Twitter and Facebook with the products they are seeking and receiving feedback from friends. But even Suchet admits that it is just a commonplace approach to recover time-sensitive information social media. It promises the possibility of sending push notifications to friends for a couple of more immediate return in a future version.

Yet, the question is inherently social nature, and encourages members to share the information gathered and research involving a friend of experience shopping comparison. shared activities highlighted within the app feeds, where users can add comments to checkout the products are their friends. App also links to Facebook and Twitter to help users find and add friends, like social networks.